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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

"Well This Is Not A Boat Accident!"

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

"It wasn't any propeller! It wasn't any coral reef! And it wasn't Jack the Ripper! It was a shark."

This 28mm scale resin model of a Shark Maw is manufactured by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought as code FGA415 from their “Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago" range. "Rightly feared by sailors everywhere", this playing piece is sold along with a metal sculpt of a shark's fin dramatically cutting through the surface of the water.

The miniature was primed using "Vallejo" Heavy Blue, layered with Heavy Bluegrey, doused in "Citadel" Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey. I then applied some "Vallejo" Heavy Red to its mouth and gums, and gave it a serious sploshing with "Citadel" Carroburg Crimson. Finally, I applied some "Two Thin Coats" White Star to the big fish's triangular teeth and dirtied them up with some dashes of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

"Wargames Foundry" - These French Fusiliers have nearly had all of their details 'picked out'

With the actual painting completed, I subsequently turned my attention to the sculpt's base, which contained a few breaking waves swirling around its head. Unfortunately, these details weren't wide enough to completely fill out the plastic 40mm circular lipped stand I had super-glued the shark to, so I added some green-stuff and used the flat blade of a modelling knife to replicate the rest of the water's numerous crests,

Once the modelling putty had cured, I painted it with "Vallejo" Heavy Blue, washed it with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and dry-brushed it with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue. I then increasingly added a little "Vallejo" White to my Heavy Blue, and lightly drew this combination over the surface's raised details. Eventually, I applied a final 'highlight' of pure "Vallejo" White to the waves' crests.

"Pendraken Miniatures" WIPs - Three primed Panzer 38(t) tanks awaiting a base-coat, shade and dry=brush

Alongside this impressive specimen of Carcharodon carcharias, I have made more progress on the trio of 28mm metal "Wargames Foundry" Fusiliers I am planning to use as the start of a Napoleonic French army. I really feel I've now got my painting approach right on these little fellows, and resultantly have been able to carefully 'pick out' all their greatcoats with reasonable ease - especially as my technique goes completely against the much-lauded 'inside out' method.

Lastly. motivated by all the 10mm World War Two models I bought from "Pendraken Miniatures" at the recent Colours 2023, as well as the need to field some Axis opposition to compete against my recently finished Crusader III tanks, I have assembled and primed three Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) models. Originally, these Czechoslovakian light armoured vehicles were simply going to be another addition to my Operation Sea Lion German invasion force. But having discovered they were fielded by the dictator Ion Antonescu too, I may well now apply some of the slightly greener “Vallejo” German Fieldgrey WWII to them instead, as well as a few Romanian crosses...

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Sep 30, 2023

What an awesome shark. I am mightily impressed with your sculpting work on the water to fill the base. Great job! I think that the paint job is brilliant too, especially the water effect. Overall a splendid mini.

The fusiliers are looking awesome and I shouldn't be surprised to see more tanks!

Sep 30, 2023
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Thanks very much, Undercoat. I did find sculpting the waves a lot of fun. Definitely something I was nervous about beforehand, but not any more.

Really enjoying the Foundry (Perry Twins) sculpts. They're quite time-consuming but reasonably straightforward to paint once you tackle the dreaded straps.

Loads more tanks coming, LOL!! I bought a fair few at Colours 2023, and still have plenty left over from Salute 2023 too. 😁


Michał Kucharski
Michał Kucharski
Sep 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Oh. I love ths shark! Great colours of the beast and water :)

Sep 29, 2023
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Cheers Michal. Much appreciated. I must confess doing the water base has kind of encouraged me to consider doing some ships in the future - I've always been put off by having to do wakes in the water.


Sep 29, 2023

Great work on the shark head Simon, and nice quotes from the original Jaws. Good progress on the fusiliers, and more tanks to come, there seems to be a seam line running around the turret, and hull.

Sep 29, 2023
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Thanks Dave. The shark's been looking at me for a good two years on my painting table, so I'm pleased to have finally seen the brute off, LOL!!! Sadly, there's plenty more half-finished Frostgrave figures to take its place.

The French Fusiliers should be finished for next week, although there's a quartet more waiting right behind them from the same blister. But, I'm pretty much on track for my four Napoleonic figures per month goal.

I don't tend to take much notice of seam lines on vehicles, especially 10mm scale models, and certainly don't scrape/sand them down. I'd just argue they were rushed out of the Czechoslovakian factory with some welding flaws. 😉

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