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"The Yeti Has Become An Icon Of Cryptozoology."

Writer's picture: BlaxklericBlaxkleric

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

"Supposed evidence of the Yeti's existence include anecdotal visual sightings, video recordings, photographs..."

This 40mm tall "collector's miniature" of a Yeti is produced by “Zealot Miniatures” and can be bought from their Litchmyre Dungeon Collection range. Cast in "quality PU Resin" and sculpted by Boris Woloszyn, the figure comes in three separate pieces which can easily be super-glued into place without the need for pinning.

The Meh-Teh was initially undercoated with two layers of "Vallejo" White, and then somewhat drowned in Pale Grey. The "large, bipedal ape-like creature" was then thoroughly dry-brushed using (more) "Vallejo" White, before having both its teeth and claws pigmented in "Citadel" Abaddon Black.

"Privateer Press" WIPs - These three Paladin Annihilators have been primed, shaded and dry-brushed

I was actually tempted to leave the Abominable Snowman alone at this stage, but in the end thought that its teeth should probably be ivory(ish) in colour. As a result I picked all its sharp fangs out with "Vallejo" White and subsequently washed them using a little "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade. I did also contemplate doing something with the monster's sunken eyes. But decided not to do anything special in these areas in order to draw the on-looker's attention straight to the Yeti's formidably-sized mouth.

Having finished the third of my models taken from the "Zealot Miniatures" catalogue, I have also managed to make some progress on the first three of six Paladin Annihilators which I own. These two-piece "Privateer Press" castings for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika" were actually reasonably simple to assemble, and didn't require any extra pinning. Indeed, at least one arm-peg fitted into its hollowed shoulder so tightly it arguably didn't even require super-gluing.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - This Treant is slowly have all its mushrooms and leaves 'picked out'

Although these welcome reinforcements for my Iron Star Alliance will predominantly follow the "Vallejo" Gunmetal and Brass palette of my other Paladins, I've yet to decide whether the three-soldier unit's heavy support status should be marked out in some way other than them just carrying their rapid-fire harbinger cannons. I've recently acquired a few more metallic paints from the "Metal N' Alchemy" paint range by "Scale 75", so may well decide to 'pick out' either their helmets or a shoulder-pad in a noticeable blue or red.

Lastly, I've almost completed working on a Treant "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" recently released as part of their ever-increasing Fantasy range. Having patiently dry-brushed my way around the 72mm tall miniatures with different shades of Brown, I have now almost finished painstakingly pigmenting the peaceful creature's eyes, mushrooms and numerous leaves...


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Apr 18, 2021

Very interesting design for the yeti. I like him a lot though and the paint job really looks good. Metallics and fur seem to be your areas of excellence as you always come up trumps with them.

Glad to see more Warcaster as I love those minis and keep going with the treant. Picking out the leaves and fungus will be well worth it. Looking good.

Apr 18, 2021
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Cheers Undercoat. Really pleased with how the Yeti turned out. I just wish it was a bit cheaper so I could pick a couple more up. There should be at least one Warcaster posting this month, and I've squeezed in the now finished Treant for later too. Really struggling to fit things in currently, with May already half-full of painting minis too. Good position to be in though, LOL!!!


Apr 16, 2021

I do like that Yeti, and your decision to emphasize the teeth worked as that is one scary maw! I like the Annihilator too, and maybe a bold accent colour would help mark them out as heavy weapons guys?

The treant is coming along really well!

Apr 16, 2021
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Thanks Planetmut. The yeti does indeed have a decidedly scary maw. I've been looking at my metallic paints and thinking that a blue helmet or shoulder-pad might be the answer for the Annihilators..?

The Treant was a lot of fun to paint, even when I had to pick out all its leaves. Should be up on the website in a fortnight's time - unless I get some more stuff done I want to publish this month.


Apr 16, 2021

I rather like that Yeti, it's a definite break from the normal look they are given, looks almost like he'd fit into a "Scooby Doo" type game.

The Paladin is great to as always, and that Treant is another interesting figure, you do seem to be able to find these great models that I've never seen before!

Cheers Roger.

Apr 16, 2021
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Cheers Roger. I think the Yeti is an awesome sculpt, and if not for the tenner it costs, I would certainly get a couple more. I'd not thought of the Scooby Doo connection, but you're right, he certainly would fit in to just such a game.

I think the Treant is awesome, and therefore perhaps unsurprisingly, I've already finished painting him. He should be posted up in a couple of weeks time.

Next month I plan to do a series of postings on all the weird and wonderful minis available from independent sculptors via 3D printing, as well as the trials and tribulations of getting them printed using UK-based printing companies. I've bought a few of these from different printers…


Apr 16, 2021

The Yeti looks great Simon, I thought it had no eyes, until you mentioned you had left them plain. I think a pop of colour on the Paladins could look great. The Treant is looking good, do you have a brighter green for the leaves, as they are currently getting lost against the brown ?

Apr 16, 2021
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Thanks Dave. The resin master of the Yeti on the website definitely has pupils. But my cast doesn't, just some very shallow pits where they should be. Once the "Vallejo" Pale Grey wash settled I thought it looked like the beast's hair had simply fallen over both of them - making him look even more like a walking mouth on legs, LOL!!!

The Treant's leaves have since been shaded and really pop imho. I tend to take pics of all my minis before varnishing them these days, so I can ensure I haven't missed anything, and the leaves stood out a mile in those.


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