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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

"The Russian Army Refused To Engage With Napoleon’s Grande Armée..."

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

"...Of more than 500,000 European troops. They simply retreated into the Russian interior."

This 28mm scale metal model is sold by “Wargames Foundry", and can be purchased as part of their RN023 Infantry in Oilskin Covered 1812 Shako Marching set. The figure is one of eight similar-looking Napoleonic Russian soldiers sculpted by Alan Perry, with all of the infantrymen wearing heavy clothing to protect them from the cold conditions of their country's freezing winter.

As I decided to pigment the miniature using the 'official' palette shown on the Nottingham-based company's website, I primed the "regular" with a couple of coats of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown. Ordinarily, I'd next give the fellow a generous splash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade and a dry-brush. But on this occasion I wanted to try out a new time-saving technique I'm trialling, where I don't do this until towards the very end of my paint-job. This means that I no longer need to repeatedly keep touching up the 'finished areas' of the model whenever my wandering brush-tip strays onto a part of the long jacket.

"Warlord Games" WIPs - These two artillery teams are slowly being progressed

I also took full advantage of the figure's all-encompassing coat by simply using a little "Citadel" Abaddon Black on his shoes and leggings, as well as his knapsack, sabre and cartridge belt. Indeed, the need to pick out the soldier's infamous white leather straps with White Star by "Duncan Rhodes' Two Thin Coats" was pleasantly doable, even after I discovered the Russian's sword tassel was also white - at least according to an illustration I used. All of these areas, along with the scabbard's tip, shako straps and any other spots requiring a dab of "Vallejo" Gold", were later 'weathered' with a small dash of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade.

I next applied a combination of "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil to the model's tin water bottle and musket barrel, before using "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade on the rest of the rifle. At this point I did momentarily consider whether I was going to flock the miniature's base with grass or snow, as the poor Russian appeared to be participating in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the French retreat from Moscow. In the end I decided upon my usual 'green' stand, so I could always mingle the figure/s into a 'warmer weather' Napoleonic unit without too much fuss at a later date.

"Steel Fist Miniatures" WIPs - This Foot Knight will wear red and white to represent Francesco II of Gonzaga

Alongside my latest addition to my miniscule, yet disconcertingly growing 28mm Napoleonic collection, I have made some considerable progress on the two cannon artillery teams I require to fill out my Confederate force's first artillery battery. I had been painting these 15mm plastic pieces from "Warlord Games" Epic Battles Black Powder American Civil War range separately. However, having found subsequently assembling them and pigmenting the large gun a 'right royal pain', I have put my remaining unit together on its stand.

In addition, I have tentatively started slowly working on another of the Renaissance Knights manufactured by "Steel Fist Miniatures" as part of their ten-figure Foot Knights Deal. I've still heard absolutely nothing from the company about either my missing models or second order. But am trying to be positive that they will all eventually arrive, so thought perhaps applying my brush to a second sculpt might help 'push' the gaming gods in my favour...

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Michał Kucharski
Michał Kucharski
29 ago 2023
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Looking really great!

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29 ago 2023
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Thanks Michal. I think a unit of these Russian Greatcoats will look rather good on the tabletop.

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28 ago 2023

What a diverse posting! The 28mm Napoleonic is a newish genre for you, but I like him. You can always rely on the Perry's for a nice sculpt. How did you find your new speedy paint technique?

Sorry to hear the cannon was a pain to put together as sub assemblies. I hope you fair better with it in one piece. More Italian knights? You clearly weren't that put off by the difficulties with the first one!

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28 ago 2023
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Having found so many Foundry Napoleonics in my loft I figured I'd try to paint a handful a month and do some skirmish stuff with them. As time goes on though, I might eventually get enough finished for some small-scale Black Powder. That's my optimistic plan anyway.

The ACW cannons do need to be fully assembled imho. It's too tricky to place the cannon in between and then base the crew afterwards - at least for me.

I really like the look of the Italian Wars Foot Knights once painted. So aim to potter through them for a while. Should my replacement/new order arrive, then I might crank a few out over a week, so I can game some Lion…

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Dai Dead
Dai Dead
28 ago 2023

Poor french bloke looks haunted from having to run from Cossack attacks in a foreign land... Good stuff Simon.

Good to see more work done on the cannons. All that trouble will pay off in the end mate once you have the full battery of three done and ready for games.

Shame about the renaissance figs still being MIA.... :( Fingers crossed and positive vibes sent over that that situation will resolve pleasantly for you.

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31 ago 2023
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LOL!! Got a few more of these Russians to come, and then some French - who'll be wearing light blue heavy coats to 'mark' them out a bit better. 😀

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28 ago 2023

Great work on the soldier Simon, he looks suitably grimy as if he's been in many battles. Nice progress on the ACW cannons, on the second one are the troops stuck down, as i thought you were painting them separately ? Nice progress on the knight, hope your offering to the gaming gods, gets your models turning up soon.

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28 ago 2023
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Thanks Dave. I think the figure will slip into a regiment of green-jacketed Russians quite nicely - should I ever contemplate tackling such a colourfully-costumed regiment. LOL!!

As explained above, assembling a painted ACW cannon crew was hard work - for starters the cannon no longer fits properly inside its groves due to the paint, and even carefully scrapping that away didn't help. Hence, I went back to putting them all on their stands. Still, one of the artillery pieces is now finished, so just one more to go - until I paint some reinforcements or look to doing some Union guns.

I really like the Steel Fist sculpts. It's just such a pity about the problems I've been having…

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