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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

“The Komodo Dragon Is The Largest Living Lizard Species.”

“Adult Komodo Dragons eat smaller members of their own species and sometimes even other adults.”

This 28mm scale metal model of a Large Lizard is made by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought together with a significantly smaller Snapping Turtle as code FGA402 from their “Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago” range. The miniature was purchased as part of the company’s highly successful Nickstarter in October 2017, but has since sat somewhat unloved in one of my drawers on account of how disappointed I was in the sculpt’s actual size.

Despite only being 12mm in height, the figure had to be super-glued on to a plastic 50mm circular base in order to accommodate its long tail. The lizard was then primed with “Vallejo” Heavy Grey, sporadically shaded in “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and Biel-Tan Green, and dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Grey. Finally, I picked out the creature’s eyes with two simple spots of “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

"Battletech" WIPs - A Mist Lynx Prime, a Wasp and a Valkyrie

Thanks to my monitor lizard being completed so quickly, I have found some time to re-base and prime some of my recently-arrived “Battletech” robots by “Catalyst Games Labs”. I actually pre-ordered these plastic 6mm scale (1:285) models way back in November 2020 from “Zatu Games” with the hope of assembling a few Weird War Two mechs for some homemade rules, so I have quickly chopped the four smallest off of their hexagonal stands and attached them to “Citadel” 40mm round bases instead.

Doubtless such a move is utter heresy to those gamers who enjoy FASA Corporation’s military science fiction franchise. However, I’m not planning on ever playing the actual game, even though I do believe I own the BattleTech Beginner Box, and simply wanted some reasonably cheap pre-built battle-suits to paint up in the various colour schemes of the Axis and Allies forces.

"Rocket Pig Games" WIPs - This Clockwork Owlbeast has been layered, shaded and dry-brushed

To begin with I’m going to just focus on a Wasp, Mist Lynx Prime, Stinger and Valkyrie, dividing the quartet up into a Russian, American and (two) German battlemechs. All of these models will have pretty plain palettes to be honest, as I want to get them ready for the tabletop (and perhaps some super-tiny decals) as quickly as possible, before moving on to some of the range’s middle-sized miniatures.

Lastly, I am continuing to make steady progress on a number of my “Rocket Pig Games” resin figures 3D printed by "FullyCycled". As usual I have initially tried to pigment a handful of sculpts taken from the range simultaneously and then found myself predominantly focusing upon the needs of just one lone, single figure – in this case the meticulously detailed Clockwork Owlbeast.

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May 27, 2021

No problem mate, I used some of the EM4 robots for my 28mm "SWORD" robots (Steel Warriors Of Robotic Destruction), to go with my Supers a few years back, but the smaller ones are perfect proxies for the classic "Rifleman" Mech. Might have to have a look at those plastic Battlemech at some point though. thanks for the heads up.

We have Komodo Dragons in Chester Zoo, though only a couple I think, it's a good Zoo Chester if you ever get the chance to visit.

The Owlbear mystery now make perfect sense 😊.

Cheers Roger.

May 27, 2021
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"Zatu Games" do a good deal on the Battletech mechs, imho. They do come in boxed collections of 4-5 minis depending on which you buy. But, as I say, they work out reasonably cheap when broken down to cost per model, at least imho. Plus you can always sell me any singles you don't want 😉

I will definitely consider Chester Zoo as a place to visit when I next travel up to your neck of the woods. Haven't been to a Zoo in years, possibly decades.


May 26, 2021

Great work on the dragon Simon, they are truly a magnificent lizard in real life. The Battlemechs should make suitable candidates for your Weird World War forces. Great progress on the Owlbeast, will you be applying a layer of oxide over it ?

May 26, 2021
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Cheers Dave, I'm not planning on doing an oxide on the Clockwork creatures - for now at least - as I want them pristine (having just been summoned by the Clockwork Mage).


May 26, 2021

Good job on the dragon, it looks menacing! Isn't it annoying when you have to put a relatively small mini on a huge base because there's an appendage sticking out?

The Battlemechs look interesting and your idea of using them in WW2 is a good one. Looking forward to seeing them finished!

And the owl... awesome work on the metallics, just awesome. The shading and highlighting has given it a really subtle look and the first and third photos of it show how those techniques can really enhance a mini when done right.

May 26, 2021
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Thanks Planetmut. I was really expecting quite a large model when I saw the pics of the lizard on the Nickstarter, so its low profile was a real shock when it arrived. The mini's 'footprint' is indeed annoying.

I reckon some of the Battletech stuff will be finished before the Owlbear, as I'm shading/dry-brushing the mechs in between waiting for other minis to dry. I still have a few Lord of the Rings models to finish, so the mechs are nice simple painting subjects to 'toy' with whilst I'm pigmenting Uruk-hai.


May 26, 2021

Nice natural colour you have achieved on the Komodo dragon. Is a Ghost Archipelago warband on the cards after your Frostgrave one?

That owl beast is superb! Lovely sculpt and a great colour achieved so far.

A weird war 2 mech game sounds intriguing. An interesting project.

May 26, 2021
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Cheers Undercoat. I might do a Ghost Archipelago warband at some point. But for now I'm simply trying to clear miniatures off of my "Frostgrave" list, whether they be denizens of the Frozen City or not.

There's a lot of "Vallejo" Gunmetal to be applied to the Clockwork Owlbeast yet, so I reckon it'll be a while before the sculpt is fully-painted.

To be honest the Battletech stuff is a good opportunity to get some really simple models painted in a reasonably short time frame. I'm loving the Weird War vibe to the mechs too, so these could hit the tabletop really soon.


May 26, 2021

I like Komodo Lizards, don't know why I just do, and always go to see them when we go to the Zoo, (Now there's a piece of useless information for you!), nice work on the figure too.

I used to play Battletech many moons ago, someone at the club was into it so I bought a couple of mechs to join in, I'm not sure if he did the full RPG version or just used elements, was fun though, your plastic mech look nice, have you thought of supplementing them with the plastic EM4 ones? as they are really cheap.

Nice progress on the Owlbear too, but can I ask why your painted his hands black?

Cheers Roger.

May 26, 2021
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I like Komodo Lizards too. Roger. I don't actually recall ever seeing one in a zoo, but I may well have done. The mini has turned out well enough, I was just hoping for something larger I suppose when I pre-ordered it on the Nickstarter.

I was completely oblivious to EM4's plastic mechs so thanks for the heads up on them, though my OCD tends to make me stick to a single manufacturer, and the official models only cost approx £3 each if you go searching around for their boxed sets.

Glad you like the Clockwork Owlbear. The claws have been painted black as a base layer for some "Vallejo" Gunmetal, as I'll be picking out various cogs, wheels and…

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