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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

"Now Why Don't You Take A Long Close Look At This Sign."

Updated: May 1, 2021

"Those proportions are correct."

This 28mm scale metal model of a Shark Fin is manufactured by “North Star Military Figures” and can be bought as code FGA415 from their “Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago" range. "Big, powerful, ever-hungry, and attracted to blood" this playing piece is sold along with a resin sculpt of a shark's maw as the creature rises up to spectacularly break the water's surface.

The miniature was primed in "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey, shaded with "Citadel" Nuln Oil, and dry-brushed using a little (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Bluegrey. As the big fish's sculpt also contained a few breaking waves swirling around its base, I filled out the rest of it's 40mm circular lipped stand with green-stuff and used the flat blade of a modelling knife to replicate the water's numerous crests,

"Attack in sections, Alpha section leads."

Once the modelling putty had cured, I painted it with "Vallejo" Heavy Blue, washed it with "Citadel" Drakenhof Nightshade, and dry-brushed it with (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Blue. I then increasingly added a little "Vallejo" White to my Heavy Blue, and lightly drew this combination over the surface's raised details. Eventually, I applied a final 'highlight' of pure "Vallejo" White to the waves' crests.

As well as finishing my Shark fin, I have also completed the very last of my FedSec Troopers by "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio". Unlike the vast majority of my previously-pigmented jumpsuit-wearing soldiers, I swapped out the model's gas-mask head for one wearing a balaclava instead, and painted him up to proxy one of Space Commander Travis' underlings from the BBC television series "Blake's Seven".

"Games Workshop" WIPs - These three Isengard figures are in various stages of painting

With a fair few projects currently on the go, I was little trepidatious when recently asked if I wanted to construct a 500 point army for the Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, especially as I haven't actually finished painting a "Games Workshop" miniature in over a year. However, having rummaged through my collection of completed figures from the Nottingham-based manufacturer's "The Lord Of The Rings" range, I realised that I only needed to paint Saruman and a lone Uruk-Hai to bring a legal Isengard force to the table-top.

In addition, with the temptation of the "Warhammer Underworlds" Skink warband, the Starblood Stalkers, proving too much for me to recently resist, I am in the position where I really need to at least partially clear some of my "Games Workshop" backlog if I'm going to keep abreast of my New Year's Resolution by painting two models for every one bought. As result, I've also devised a second 500 point Isengard army list, which whilst predominantly relying upon my already completed figures, replaces the former leader of the Councils of the Wise with a plethora of Uruk-Hai Scouts, Warriors and Bezerkers...

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Apr 15, 2021

The shark fin does seem like soemthing I'd have made rather than bought, but I cenrtainly wouldn't have got the great water effect. 'Balaclava man's' headswap is seamless and he does look very good , as do the figure 'up and coming'

Apr 15, 2021
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LOL!!! I agree entirely Joe. But to be fair, I bought the blister because of the Shark maw rather than the fin. Glad you like the water effect. I don't do much sculpting, so was absolutely delighted with how it turned out.

I'm a bit sad to see the end of my Crooked Dice FedSec Troopers, but still have plenty of their Freedom Fighters to paint. Lots of Lord Of The Rings stuff coming over the next few months, as that genre seems to have really caught my imagination lately.


Apr 06, 2021

Well I would have gone with "I think I need a bigger paintbrush!" but that would have been a bit obvious to good on you for that!

Lovely work on the water effect by the way, top work that.

again another top "black" figure by the master too, and some LOTR figures, it's been a while since I saw some of these around the net!

Cheers Roger.

Apr 06, 2021
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Thanks Roger. I'm so pleased with how the water effect turned out I've been tempted to paint some ships - scary I know, LOL!!

This FedSec Trooper is the last of my merry band but I'll now be ploughing through some Mutoids, so plenty of predominantly black-clad figures to come over the next few months.

I'm looking forward to working on some of the LotR figures, as I haven't touched one in ages, and my attempt to replicate their old "Citadel" OOP paints with modern day colours has worked a treat.


Apr 05, 2021

Very eclectic post. Only here would you find a shark fin! Great work on the water effect too. Great sculpting and painting. Another good trooper, once again with great eyes!

Lovely looking Lord of the Rings minis. The Saruman is fantastic, looks just like Christopher Lee. Can't wait to see what you do with him.

Apr 05, 2021
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Cheers Undercoat. I do like to mix my minis up with my postings when I can. I'll hopefully have some of the LotR figs finished quite soon if my replacement paints work out as alternatives to the "Citadel" OOP originals.


Apr 05, 2021

It took me a second to get the headline, so bravo, sir! Great job on that fin and the waves! The Fed Sec trooper looks good, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do with those old LOTR minis.

Apr 05, 2021
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Thanks for re-posting your comment Planetmut. A lot of those old Citadel paints were probably still good too, as I keep reading about painters finding similar pots and discovering to their astonishment that they're useable. Shame it didn't survive the move.

I'm hoping to replicate my ancient recipe with the Scale 75 Metal N' Alchemy paints Decayed Metal and Thrash Metal (or maybe Vallejo Gunmetal).

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