This 44mm tall plastic "detailed figure of Chewbacca" is produced by “Fantasy Flight Games” and can be found inside the company's "Chewbacca Ally Pack" for their "strategy board game of tactical combat" "Star Wars: Imperial Assault". Based upon the Wookie during his exploits in "the midst of the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire after the destruction of the Death Star over Yavin 4", the expansion apparently allows players to either "prevent the Empire from enslaving Wookiees on Kashyyyk, or infiltrate an Imperial labor camp."
The miniature was undercoated with two layers of "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, shaded with "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade, and dry-brushed with both (more) "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna and (lighter) Heavy Brown. Chewie's side-bag was then treated to a combination of "Vallejo" Heavy Brown and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade, whilst his bowcaster and ammunition belt were pigmented in "Vallejo" Gunmetal Grey. These areas were subsequently washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and highlighted with a little more "Vallejo" Gunmetal Grey.
The Wookie smuggler's bandoleer's strap was painted using "Vallejo" Charred Brown and (more) Strong Tone Quickshade by "The Army Painter. However, because I felt the model was already brown enough, I decided to leave Chewbacca's shell boxes metallic-coloured, rather than continue painting in the pieces of belt which held them in place. Finally, I applied some additional "Citadel" Nuln Oil to certain areas of the Millennium Falcon's co-pilot, in order to darken him down a bit and break up the colour consistency of his fur.
Sticking with both Wookie Warriors and "Fantasy Flight Games" I have made some more progress on the Origins Award-winner's slightly larger-sized Kashyyyk killers for "Star Wars: Legion". In particular, I have finished blocking in all the base colours on this rule-set's version of Chewbacca and now just need to apply a variety of washes to his weapon and equipment before a final couple of dry-brushes.
I have also managed to get the majority of my "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna completed on both Chewie's accompanying special forces unit's Leader and his Ryyk Blade-carrying colleagues, and even started base-coating one of the Wookie warrior's bandoleer, hand-weapons, fire-arm and shoulder-armour. Being over 40mm tall all of these models should bag me at least seven points each in the Ninth Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge, so should help push me ever closer to my 500 point target tally by Late March 2019...
Lastly, I have been quietly working away on couple of super-powered resin figures by "Kitbash Games" from their "Supers Unlimited" range. I hope to have the "clown prince of smash and grab", Punchline, finished reasonably soon, and can then focus more fully upon one of the game's anti-heroes, Roughneck.