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(Lead) Mountain Musings - "Frostgrave" April 2021

Writer's picture: BlaxklericBlaxkleric

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

"From far and wide, wizards flock to the frozen ruins of Frostgrave..."

Thanks largely to "Osprey Publishing" announcing the release of their new science fiction skirmish rule-set "Stargrave" in four weeks time, this month's attempt to reduce my slightly decreasing stash of metal, plastic and resin models will primarily focus upon my backlog of "North Star Military Figures" for "Frostgrave". Admittedly, I've been trying to paint a (second) warband for my excursions into the frozen city since last December, but I'm hoping my New Year resolution of pigmenting two models for every one newly bought will help better motivate me in this endeavour.

In addition, I'm rather keen to work my way through a rather intimidating array of animals and monsters I have previously bought for my Felstad bestiary. The vast majority of these creatures were purchased to thwart my somewhat snowbound adventurers as random encounters on their travels. However, I have also found a number of tropical-based critters from the wargame's sibling publication, "Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago" too.

"The Paladins are the federation's military elite."

Alongside this 'cunning plan' I hope to completely finish all of my Iron Star Alliance units for "Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika". My collection of these all-metal "Privateer Press" paladins has momentarily got a little out of hand after I lost patience with a long-running pre-order which seemingly was never going to be delivered, and resultantly purchased some Enforcer and Annihilator reinforcements from a different webstore. Incredibly, no sooner had I received these gun-totting extra personnel than I was informed that my long-awaited pre-order had miraculously been posted.

I have though wasted absolutely no time in trying to get these extra soldiers assembled, based, primed and painted. Indeed, I have already completed all three of the recently arrived Paladin Enforcers which make up my second infantry squad, and am currently working on the first of six 'rapid-fire harbinger cannon-carrying' heavy support figures.

March 2021 - "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" sculpts have dominated the month

Progress wise, the past thirty-one days have resulted in an incredible amount of fully-finished miniatures, many of which are still sat waiting in the wings to actually be posted. Indeed, despite only hitting a fairly 'middle of the road' tally for March as far as this website's articles are concerned, on paper I actually managed to equal my highest pigmentation output since my records began a little over seven years ago.

A lot of this success has been due to my high interest in the "Supers Unlimited" range of heroes and villains by "Kitbash Games". But I am equally indebted to "Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" for their latest successful Kickstarter, Lurkers From The Deep, which has galvanised me into working my way through some of their model range in anticipation of receiving my pledge's modestly-numbered rewards in two months' time...

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Apr 15, 2021

I alawys wonder about 'small games needing veru few figures' as KI found out with "JImland's " minimum requriements, that soon found me buying a lot more animals, opponents and extra explorers that helped round off the overall number to an ven one hundred or so... Every time you publish you monthly and current yearly totals, my chin drops down at your output and realsie we only see about a tenth of your output !

I'm now at the stage of paint what I buy before buying more !

Apr 15, 2021
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Cheers Joe. To be fair to Frostgrave a lot of the animals/monsters seem to have come from its numerous expansion books over the past five years. Though I am still aware of my failed project to paint up enough skeletons to play just the game's first scenario.

I might do another clarification posting about my yearly totals, as that isn't the number of miniatures painted but the points allocated using the old Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge scoring chart. So for example, a single 28mm model generates 5 points, so as a rule of thumb (as these days I rarely paint any other scale), you could divide each number by 5 to get a rough idea of how many figures I've…


Apr 03, 2021

Nice collection of Frostgrave minis and good work on the Paladins. Lovely looking minis.

Ambitious goal for April with 2 projects. Good luck.

Your manufacturers list is very interesting. No heroclix? Who are you and what have you done with Blaxkleric?!!!!

Apr 03, 2021
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Thanks Undercoat. Having painted so many "Crooked Dice" pets recently, I'm confident many of the Frostgrave animals will get quickly finished. and most of the Paladins are assembled, based and at least primed.

LOL!!! Yep, no Heroclix at all this year. Must be some sort of a record. Just seem to be getting my super-hero fix from "Kitbash Games" for now.


Apr 03, 2021

Good numbers of figures completed there Simon, and all to your usual high standards too, I take it from the table that the box in red at the end should actually read 2021, not 2020?

Paladins look really nice, I managed to stay away from Stargrave so far, hopefully your posts wont be too tempting😉

Cheers Roger.

Apr 03, 2021
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Many thanks Roger, and an awesome spot on my table's error - Just a pity you didn't see it for the January/February tables too, LOL!!! All three have now been suitably adjusted. 😀

I'm really enjoying painting the Warcaster stuff, so expect plenty more Paladin WIPs to come over the coming weeks, and maybe some Stargrave goodies in May..? 😉


Apr 02, 2021

Thank's for the highlight on the new stargrave, will check that out, hope all goes according to plan with pigmenting the rest of your Frostgrave models.

Your Enforcers look great and will fit in perfectly with your Paladins

Apr 02, 2021
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Thanks Dave. There would appear to be plenty of minis being released by "North Star Military Figures" to support "Stargrave", so I really thought I should clear some decks if I was going to purchase anything new - the plastic kits in particular look awesome with plenty of interchangeability with NSMF's other boxes. The Warcaster stuff is going smoothly too, so April should hopefully prove just as successful as March output-wise.


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