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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

“Benny The Bat Strikes Again!”

“Rich Pickings! Slumber on, Dodo!”

This 28mm scale metal model of a Bat Burglar was produced by “Mongoose Publishing” and formed part of my rewards from the company’s 2012 “Judge Dredd Miniatures Game: Block War” Kickstarter. The now long out of production (OOP) figure was later made available by “Warlord Games” as Code JD20164, and could also be bought alongside a Vid Reporter as the Nottingham-based manufacturer’s Mercenaries blister JD103.

Clearly inspired by Benny The Bat from the old black & white “Judge Dredd” comic strips in “The Daily Star” newspaper, the miniature was initially primed with two coats of “Vallejo” Heavy Blue, before being liberally shaded with “Citadel” Nuln Oil. The criminal was then dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Heavy Blue and had his boots, gloves, chest straps, jet-pack and hand-weapon all layered in “Citadel” Abaddon Black.

"Mongoose Publishing" WIPs - The Bat Burglar was primed, shaded and dry-brushed

The burglar’s jet-pack and firearm were subsequently given a lick of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and washed with plenty of “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Finally, Benny had his bare face treated to a combination of “Vallejo” Heavy Skintone and “Citadel” Reikland Fleshshade, and his Terry Thomas moustache ‘picked out’ with a few strokes of Abaddon Black.

Despite trying to predominantly stick to the palette of the model’s ‘official’ paint-job, I did feel that the perp’s attire should be much less eye-catching than the bright red ‘arrest me now’ chest straps “Warlord Games” seemed to prefer on their figure. In addition, I didn’t fancy the light-coloured boots and gloves favoured by artist Ron Smith in his March 1983 story panels, especially as John Wagner and Alan Grant’s script doesn’t depict the villain as the luckiest of individuals.

"Flames Of War" WIPs - The soldiers are slowly having their tiny details picked out

Alongside my latest “Mongoose Publishing” miniature I have also completed four more 15mm German soldiers for my Beach Defence Grenadier Company. However, as my latest Weekly Challenge, randomly chosen via a deck of playing cards, dictated that I was to paint even more 15mm-20mm miniatures over the next seven days, I thought I’d simply crack on painting a second large gun unit and complete the entire (minimum strength) German 12cm Mortar Platoon.

To be honest I am a little disappointed in this particular plastic kit by “Battlefront Miniatures” as the figures for each team appear to consist of precisely the same four poses. True, I have enough of the rule-set’s large bases to at least make the layout of the two teams a little different from one another. But I’m already finding things a little monotonous painting exactly the same sculpt twice in quick succession…

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Oct 07, 2021

I really like the bat burglar, great model. Weird, but very fun, and what a moustache! He should be a WW1 general!! No idea who or what he is despite looking him up, but a nice colour scheme well executed. More Germans for FoW is always nice to see, good stuff as always.

Oct 07, 2021
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Cheers Undercoat. Benny the Bat was a short-lived perp - about four-six comic book panels in length as memory serves LOL!!!


Simon Quinton
Simon Quinton
Oct 07, 2021

Fab job on the Bat Burglar, Another JD mini I've always just like the look of.

Oct 07, 2021
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Cheers Simon. Benny's a bit of a wide-beast tbh, and typical of the chunky size some of the JD minis were. But I really like him, and had a lot of fun painting him up.


Oct 06, 2021

The Bat Burglar looks great, and I have to say that Vallejo Heavy Blue is a really nice shade, I might pick that up some time. Your colour scheme looks a lot better than the box art one sounds.

Oct 07, 2021
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Thanks Matt. Big fan of "Vallejo" Heavy Blue and "Citadel" Nuln Oil - definitely a top partnership in my books. LOL!!! I thought the red chest straps looked awful personally, hence the decision to go with black.


Oct 06, 2021

Nice job on the "Bat Burglar" I think your colour choices are spot on, also nice work on the Mortar team, I think that's where we differ mate, I like to get multiples of the same figure all painted at once, as I hate painting the same figure twice! 😀

Cheers Roger.

Oct 06, 2021
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Cheers Roger. There's something about the same sculpt in 15mm for the FoW Germans which I somehow find particularly off-putting. Not sure why? Might be the fiddly nature of their poses etc?


Oct 06, 2021

Great work on the bat Simon, I think your colour choices make a lot more sense, given what he's up to ! LOL Nice work on the Germans, and must admit having to paint the same pose model, I find very boring myself, probably why I have so many converted armies ! LOL

Oct 06, 2021
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Thanks Dave. I think Benny turned out rather well. I certainly wouldn't like to paint a four-team 12cm mortar platoon straight off. The little guy kneeling by the mortar ammunition is particularly fiddly to paint - so four of those would drive me insane, LOL!!!

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