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Writer's pictureBlaxkleric

“As Linemen Go…”

Updated: Dec 23, 2021

“…Dwarfs have some of the most expensive ones in the game.”

"Felicitations Blood Bowl fans, and welcome to a special edition of Tuesday Night Football. I'm Jim Maddenberg and along with Elven Hall of Famer Thom Grassyglade, I’ll be bringing you the very latest news concerning our favourite Fantasy Football game.”

"First up is the successful signing of Bodum Blackbeard by the amateur Sevens club, the Rusty Buckets. The second edition Dwarf Blocker Lineman has been bought out of retirement for an astonishing 70,000 copper pieces, and has already been pictured showing off his team’s colours for the local press.”

"Blood Bowl" WIPs - The Dwarf was primed, dry-brushed and shaded before having his details picked out

“Well Jim, this 28mm scale second-hand metal miniature was (re)primed with a coat of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, so as to obscure the sculpt’s previous paint-job. The entire figure was then dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Gunmetal, before being treated to a mixture of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade.”

“Next the Lineman had his boots, belt and beard ‘picked out’ with “Citadel” Abaddon Black. Whilst his trousers and tunic received a layer of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna and (more) “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade. The Dwarf’s gloves were initially coated with “Vallejo” Heavy Brown, before they too were shaded in “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade.”

"Blood Bowl" WIPs - A Human Catcher, Blitzer and Thrower

“I understand some additional touches of "Mig Productions" Extreme Rust Wash were also used on the player’s spiked knee-caps, elbow-pads, shoulder-pads and helmet, Thom..? These areas were later given a delicate dry-brush of “Vallejo” Gunmetal to add some additional highlights to the aged metal.”

“Quite right, Jim. Of course, the Rusty Buckets are still currently busy working on signing another seven Dwarfs to the team, and that’s not forget that the Human side, the Marauders, are also out there currently recruiting. Indeed, word has it that the plastic players are busy working on hiring a Catcher, Blitzer and Thrower as we speak.”

"Thanks Thom. That just about wraps up this Blood Bowl Sevens special. But please do join us again next time when we'll be taking a closer look at some of this sport's other players..."

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Dec 02, 2021

I love the commentary style for your Blood Bowl postings, superb stuff! The rusty armour and dull colours suit an amateur Sevens League team thematically so it is a really characterful paint job. The human team look good but those old school minis have some interesting scale issues. That catchers hand looks huge! Great posting, looking forward to the next one.

Dec 02, 2021
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Cheers Undercoat. I hope to have a couple more BB postings finished before the AHPC starts, and then I'll finish off the Rusty Buckets as one of my first tasks for the event. In addition, I've worked out a second Seven's Dwarf team called the Battlin' Bombardiers who will be a more run-of-the-mill side - at least until I can get my hands on my 2nd edition dwarfs - I'm pretty sure I have some somewhere, LOL!!!


Dec 02, 2021

Great work on the linesman mate, and squeezed him in just under the wire for Mo'vember too! 😀

I love those old GW sculpts, they have real character, Trouble is every time I paint something like that some b*gger tells me how much it's worth on Ebay! 😉

I'll be posting a Mo'vember round-up tomorrow so I'll add him to the list.

Cheers Roger.

Dec 02, 2021
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Thanks Roger. This little fella will definitely be seeing the astro-turf in January, as I'm planning to take the Rusty Buckets on a Sevens Team tour then - so I need to get all his team-mates finished too in the meantime LOL!!

I did actually contemplate picking up some additional old BB Dwarves to bolster out some of the positions, and then I saw £45 for just one Lineman on eBay!!! Admittedly, I did then see a handful of figures for a similar price, but that is still crazy pricing, imho.


Nov 30, 2021

The dwarf looks great and totally suits his team's name. I'll definitely be tuning in for the next episode :-)

Nov 30, 2021
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Cheers Matt, LOL!!! I've a couple more to finish working on over the next few weeks and then the rest of the team will follow as one of my first AHPC entries. I'm really happy with how he turned out.


Nov 30, 2021

Great rusty look to the dwarves Simon, look forward to seeing your colour scheme for the humans

Nov 30, 2021
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Thanks Dave. I've got a couple more of the Dwarf players partially-painted, but the majority have simply been primed for the AHPC. The Marauders colour scheme will match that of the Lineman I painted/posted in May this year.

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