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"Argo Is Known For Headline-Grabbing Assaults On British Landmarks..."

Writer's picture: BlaxklericBlaxkleric

"...Abetted by his infamous mechanical monsters."

This 36mm tall metal model of an Argonaut Commander is sold by “Crooked Dice Game Design Studio” and can be bought as SKU: MINI 230 Argonaut A from their Villains and Monsters range. The kit comes with two separate heads, one of which bares a striking resemblance to the Twelve Colonies' robotic foes in Glen A. Larson's 1978 American science fiction television series "Battlestar Galactica". However, as I wanted this particular figure to work alongside my previously-painted Ancient Greek-flavoured mechs, I pinned its bearded head in place instead.

The miniature was initially undercoated with a layer of “Vallejo” Heavy Sienna, before receiving a coat of Bronze. It was then washed with a healthy mixture of “Citadel” Agrax Earthshade and "The Army Painter" Strong Tone Quickshade, before being dry-brushed with (more) “Vallejo” Bronze. I next applied various amounts of “Citadel” Nihilakh Oxide onto its numerous joints and ridges to help make its metal work look weathered.

"Crooked Dice Game Design Studio" WIPs - Two titans have been assembled, primed and layered

These areas were later blended in with the rest of the miniature using a (third) dry-brushed of “Vallejo” Bronze, and then everything was 'sealed in place' courtesy of some "Vallejo" Matt varnish. The robot's boots, trousers, hands, arms and torso were later given a lick of "Citadel" Abaddon Black and left alone so that my finger oils could invariably create some highlights on the model when handling it in the future.

In addition to my Argonaut Commander, I have also been assembling some more of the Lincolnshire-based company's resin Titans. I recently discovered that I had bought the giant automaton's metal weapon hands in the past, so having been busy pinning a trident, net, sword, hammer and two shields in place, before working on the trio's undercoats, "Vallejo" Bronze layers and shades.

"Games Workshop" WIPs - Three Tactical Marines primed in "Citadel" Sons Of Horus Green

Perhaps the biggest current development in my hobby however, is the arrival of the Horus Heresy: Age Of Darkness by "Games Workshop". My immediate plan is to assemble and pigment a 500 point Sons of Horus force, which will consist of a Praetor with Power Sword and three ten-man Tactical Squads. The truly formidably-heavy starter box actually comes with forty Mark VI armoured Space Marines.

But to mix things up a bit I actually plan only having one of the squads in that particular armour, with the other two wearing Mark III and Mark IV suits respectively. Furthermore, I have a few resin conversion pieces from "Forge World" to add to the mix, so plan to use Sons of Horus specific shoulder-pads, heads, torsos and brass-etched iconography whenever I can...

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20 de jun. de 2022

Another lovely Argonaut, that colour works really well on them. I like that you can change the weapons on the titan, for more variation.

I don't claim to be an expert on Space Marines, but I do quite like that "industrial" look that these ones have got.

Cheers Roger.

20 de jun. de 2022
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Thanks Roger. Once I've got the third Titan up to pace with the other two I've assembled, primed, layered and shaded, then I'll crack on with all three simultaneously.

The MK III armour space marines are now my firm favourites tbh. So I'm certainly planning on having more in the future, once I start to grow my Sons of Horus beyond the initial 500 points.


18 de jun. de 2022

I took one look at that Argonaut figure and thought, "why does that Cylon have a weird head?" l:OL! Lovely work again, Simon, the weathered bronze looks amazing. The Sons of Horus marine really has the kind of low-tech look I associate with the Heresy.

18 de jun. de 2022
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Cheers Matt. That'll be the last of the Argonauts I plan to build with an Ancient Greek head, LOL!!! The MK III armour really seems to suit the SoH in my mind, so I'm keen to use the heads (at least) as often as possible for my force.


18 de jun. de 2022

Great work on the argonaught Simon, and off to a great start with the titans as well, the different weapons give a nice variation to the models.

I find it strange that GW but the Mk 6 armour in the box set, not that I don't like beaky marines, but in all the history in their books and codexes had only the Raven Guard using that mark of armour during the heresy !

20 de jun. de 2022
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Yep. Don't think that's going to be problem now though, LOL!!! Plenty of entire 10-man Beaky units for sale on eBay currently. Though I must confess to not liking the new-look beakies as much as the old ones. They're somehow a bit too sophisticated looking imho. I guess that's also why I like the 15mm Retained Knights by Alternative Armies.


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